“There is nothing to writing.​
All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
― Ernest Hemingway

I never set out to be a writer. In fact, I did terribly in English class, so writing as a career was last on my bucket list. But, as life would have it, when I began working in the computer-based training industry, I was tasked with writing on-line lessons, training materials, and workbooks.

From 1986 to 1992, I developed courses for companies that included NASA/Lockheed’s software integration for the first space station at Johnson Space Center, Northern Telecom telephone operator training, F-14A & D jet training for the Top Gun School at Naval Air Station Miramar, North Island Naval Strategic Communication program, American Airlines Flight Attendant Training School, the CIA, Halliburton Oil Company, Honeywell, Fireman’s Fund, Ford Rental Company, McDonnell-Douglas, and Northern Telecom.
Additionally, I developed several on-line demo packages for various companies, including a “virtual office suite” showcasing Halliburton Energy Services in 1993, which won a national design award.
Following that, I was hired by Anthony Robbins as Director of his Creative Department. My position required that I write for a broad spectrum of arenas from thank-you notes to well-known individuals, to book endorsements and forewords, to biographical write-ups.
Then, at age 42, I was asked to ghost write my first book and found — to my utter chagrin — that I was, by others' estimation, very good. Who'd've thunk?!
Since then, I've ghost written scores of books since 1995. And before we go any further, I'm sure you're wondering for whom I've written. Let me nip that thought in the bud as I am bound contractually to never divulge that information. So, no name dropping or oblique hints will be found anywhere on this site.

Now, on to business. When considering ghosting a book for a client, I have but one criteria: the subject matter must somehow uplift humanity.
I've been blessed with projects that have included spirituality and religion, juicing and nutrition, exercise and health, business, creating Heaven on Earth, death and dying issues, finances and wealth creation, building conscious community, e-mail and communication, mindfulness, the effects of technology on individuals and society, politics, voodoo, United Nations incentives, finding one's purpose in life, combining business and spirituality, finding one's identity, the Sikh concept of Oneness, and Kabbalah.

If you're interested in learning more about ghost writing or want to have a conversation about your project, click here. Or, perhaps, you'd like to write the book yourself, but need coaching in that area. Whether you're already a published author or embarking on your first book, having a coach working with you to help you achieve your dream is an invaluable resource. Click here to learn more about my coaching.

Besides writing for other people since 1995, I have a number of my own book projects I've been working on since 2001. Additionally, I've written numerous articles, a number of which have been published in newspapers. To read more about my books and articles, click here.
We are meaning making machines...
and language is our commerce.
“David is a fantastic editor. His ability to delve into my book and deeply understand the message I wanted to convey made him a true partner in its creation.
He is detail oriented, patient, insightful, and compassionate. I give David my highest recommendation.”
— Levi Ben-Shmuel
Co-Creator of Sulam Chi: Mysticism Meets the Body
Featured blogger on The Huffington Post
“David is a man of many talents. His editorial skills, empathy, computer expertise, and ability to stay on top of myriad details proved invaluable. Without David’s competence, wisdom and hard work, The Inner Edge would never have been completed. We commend his talents to anyone desiring to achieve clear and cogent written communication.”
— Richard A. Wedemeyer and Ronald W. Jue, Ph.D.
Authors, The Inner Edge: Effective Spirituality
in Your Life and Work